Calendar Notifications
Week of November 13th
Monday – 11/13 – Full Day
Tuesday – 11/14 – Full Day
Wednesday – 11/15 – Half Day (1pm Dismissal) Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday – 11/16 – Full Day Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday – 11/17 – Full Day
Week of November 20th
Monday – 11/20 – Full Day
Tuesday – 11/21 – Full Day
Wednesday – 22/08 – No School Thanksgiving Break
Thursday – 11/23 – No School Thanksgiving Break
Friday – 11/124 – No School Thanksgiving Break
The ANET assessment is a computer-based test that we will take 3-4 times this year. ANet Interim assessments (IA) give teachers information about what your student has learned so far this year. The 90 min assessments are carefully crafted to meet grade-level demands and to provide teachers with timely, actionable information to inform instruction. The IAs are aligned to common core standards, and therefore are the best predictor of progress toward proficiency on PARCC.
DPA has an ambitious goal of 95% of scholars scoring above 60% on ANet Interim Assessments. The ANet IAs provide critical data for teachers about your scholar’s understanding of grade-level content – so it is vital that your scholar is present to school every day this week and arrives on time!
Our first round of ANET testing will be conducted for ALL DPA Scholars (Middle & High School) Next Tuesday and Wednesday, November 14th and 15th It is critical that scholars get plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive on time in uniform everyday. Every day counts.
High School PSAT & College Fair
We are very proud of our 11th grade scholars for participating in our practice PSAT last month in preparation for the SAT. We appreciate them for their growth and embracing the challenge. Performing well on the SAT will make our scholars more competitive in the college application process and allow them to stand out, along with their GPA and extracurricular activities.
11th grade scholars will take the DPA PSAT on Saturday, November 18th, at our High School Campus at 8am. In order to create a testing environment that mirrors the official SAT, scholars are expected to arrive at DPA between 7:30am-7:45am for registration and instructions. This test is required for all of our 11th grade scholars!
After we complete the PSAT, we will be taking all scholars to the Alfred Street Baptist Church HBCU College Festival at the St. James in Springfield, VA. The Alfred Street Baptist Church hosts an annual HBCU festival where over 80 Historically Black Colleges and Universities come under one roof to represent and showcase their institutions to scholars free of charge. We will be at the festival from 12pm-3pm and will be returning to DPA at approximately 3:30pm.
With your help and encouragement, our scholars will be prepared and engaged on test day, which will allow them to perform well. We will also continue with our weekly tutoring in our academic seminar period to further assist our scholars with preparation and confidence going into the official SAT on December 2nd.
Important Upcoming Dates:
1. DPA PSAT & College Fair – 11/18
2. SAT registration deadline – 11/3
3. Official SAT test date – 12/2
4. Approximate Official SAT score release date – 12/15
Parent Teacher Conferences
DPA will hold parent teacher conferences at both campuses on Wednesday November 15th & Thursday November 16th! We invite all parents & guardians to come out and meet with their scholar’s teachers and deans to discuss their academic progress and goals!
October Parent Cafe & Dinner
DPA will hold parent teacher conferences at both campuses on Wednesday November 15th & Thursday November 16th! We invite all parents & guardians to come out and meet with their scholar’s teachers and deans to discuss their academic progress and goals!
Wednesday November 15th – 2pm – 4pm | Both Campuses
Thursday November 16th – 4pm – 6pm | Both Campuses
DC School Funding Survey
Calling all families of DC public and public charter school students! The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education is seeking your voice and input as they develop recommendations for changes to the District’s school funding policies. Please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey to share what matters most to you in your student’s school, what is working well, and where we can improve. The survey is open November 1 through November 15, 2023.
DPA Family Enrollment Survey – DUE 12/1/2012
As we do each year, we are seeking your feedback. We are surveying all DPA families to help improve how we talk to future families about what makes DPA special. Hearing from you will help more students and families benefit from a DPA education.
The grade with the MOST responses will get a PIZZA PARTY! To access the survey, CLICK HERE or copy the following URL address and paste it into your internet address bar: bit.ly/dpasurvey23
We would be grateful if you could take 3-5 minutes to answer these brief survey questions by Tuesday 11/14/23. If you have multiple scholars who attend DPA, you only need to complete the survey once.
Scholar Enrollment Profile Survey
We have 41st of student profiles complete as of today. We need 100% by December 1st. If your scholar parent survey is not complete by December 1st, your scholar is at risk of not keeping their seat for next year.
The scholar profile includes (Contact information, Demographic Information, Health Information…etc).
Click the following link to complete the MANDATORY form! Student Profile Survey
If you have already completed this survey no further action is required!
If you have any questions please reach out to:
Middle School (Grades 6 – 8) – Teandra.lowe@digitalpioneersacademy.org
High School (Grades 9 – 11) – Alfred.mason@digitalpioneersacademy.org
Recurring Updates
Welcome Packets
In order to provide families with all of the information you need for the upcoming school year, we have created the below Welcome Packets! These packets include information on our attendance policy, school hours, athletic, transportation, uniforms, and much much more!
Middle School Python Time
We are thrilled to share with you the latest news about our scholars’ progress and development this school year. We are pleased to inform you that starting October 10th, 2023, DPA will be offering an After-School Program for DPA scholars, called Python Time.
Our After-school program is designed to provide a secure, productive, and free environment for scholars to participate in a range of enriching activities that promote academic and social-emotional growth. The program will run from 4:15 p.m. until 5:15 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Please note that scholars must have a signed permission slip and *dedicated transportation from the Middle School campus (908 Wahler Place SE) to participate. It’s also essential to remember that scholars must be picked up no later than 5:45 p.m.
* Due to limited capacity, we will fill slots on a first come basis*

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to our Python Time Program Coordinator – Rodney Brownell, rodney.brownell@digitalpioneersacademy.org
* In order to ensure all scholars have safe passage home, scholars will be required to be picked up from the campus grounds in order to be eligible for afterschool programming.
School Hours
M,Tu,Th,F Schedule
Wed Schedule
Middle School
7:45 AM – 3:45 PM
DPA bus leaves Middle School at 3:35 PM
7:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Scholars are late after 8:25 AM
Early Dismissal ends at 3:15 PM
High School
Period Zero Arrival 7:45 AM – 8:00 am
General Arrival 8:30 AM – 8:50 AM
Dismissal – 3:45 PM
Period Zero Arrival 7:45 AM – 8:00 AM
General Arrival 8:30 AM – 8:5 AM
Dismissal – 1:00 PM
Scholars are late after 8:50 AM
Early Dismissal ends at 3:00 PM
*Python time will begin at the end of Semester
ALL DPA scholars are required to wear the DPA uniform while at school. Uniforms can be purchased at the main office of each campus.
Middle School (Grades 6 – 8)
Green Polos – $15
Grey Joggers – $15
Crew Neck Sweatshirts – $15
Skirts – $15
White Button Down – $15
High School (Grades 9 – 11)
Grey Polos – $15
Grey Joggers – $15
V Neck Sweater – $15
Crew Neck Sweaters – $15
Skirts – $15
Key Contact Information
General Enrollment – enroll@digitalpioneersacademy.org
Middle School Enrollment (6th | 7th | 8th Grade) – vonique.jones@digtalpioneersacademy.org
High School Enrollment (9th | 10th | 11th Grade) – slancaster@digitalpioneersacademy.org
Special Populations, including Special Education:
Athletics – rob.harris@digitalpioneersacademy.org
504 Plans
Does your scholar have a 504 Plan from their previous school? If so, please email the necessary documentation at your earliest convenience to Ms. Baron, DPA’s School Social Worker & 504 Coordinator, at jbaron@digitalpioneersacademy.org for HS and michelle.pianim@digitalpioneersacademy.org for MS. If you have any questions or concerns, you may reach out to Ms. Baron.
High School Athletics – Week of November 13th
Boys Basketball
4PM -8PM Study Hall and Practice at MS
Middle School
4PM -8PM Study Hall and Practice at MS
Middle School
2:30PM – 5PM
Middle School